Water purification information

The water purification industry is developing well

Views : 76902
Update time : 2021-08-04 11:28:54
According to statistics, the water purification industry's sales in the first half of 2021 and the same period last year increased by 26.40%, sales increased by 32.86% year-on-year, and the high-end share of end products continued to grow. Whole house water purifiers have become the general trend. It can be seen that, compared with 2020, which is affected by the epidemic prevention and control, there are obvious signs of a strong recovery in the industry.
In terms of household water purifiers, the main manifestation is that although the overall scale has increased, it is slightly weak.
With the epidemic basically under control, all parties in the industry and the consumer market have expectations of the market. Therefore, in the first half of the year, there was a significant increase year-on-year. Although the water purifier industry is a healthy sunrise industry, it still has a close relationship with the property market. The first quarter of the first half of the year was a general increase, and the second quarter appeared to be a little weak. This is directly related to the government's policies to suppress the property market, limit prices and limit loans, which has led to the number of new home decorations.
In terms of commercial water purifiers, the trend of rapid growth is obvious.
Judging from the Shanghai International Water Show in June, not only the overall exhibition scale has been reduced, but the nature of exhibitors has also undergone major changes. This year's Water Show will mainly focus on commercial water purifiers. From the perspective of mainstream brands, Aicksn, Yikou, and Midea are all exhibited as commercial water purifiers. The commercial water purifier market is vigorously developed, and the trend of commercial water purifiers has arrived.
In terms of brands, taking Aicksn as an example, the market performed well in the first half of the year. The offline household market grew by more than 50% over the same period last year, and Aicksn commercial water purification grew by 300% over the same period last year.

Aicksn Water Purification also stated that in the first half of 2021, both online and offline channels have achieved growth much higher than the industry average.
As the agent in China for many internationally renowned brands such as ELKAY, ERIE IQ SOFT, AQUAPHOR, ATLAS and other international brands, Stoner's whole house water purification in the first half of this year increased by 50% year-on-year, which basically met expectations at the beginning of the year. Target.
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