Water purification information

Why install a water purifier

Views : 80984
Update time : 2021-12-22 14:07:04
Why install a water purifier? Because of the silt
Why install a water purifier? Because of rust
Why install a water purifier? Because of residual chlorine
Why install a water purifier? Because of heavy metals
Why install a water purifier? Because of scale
Why install a water purifier? Because of bacteria
Why install a water purifier? Because you want to be healthy
Benefits of water purifier

1. Making coffee: There is no residual chlorine smell, the coffee is more fragrant and purer.
2. Use clean water to make hot pot: No bleaching foam on the top, the soup color is positive, and the taste is purer.
3. Boil mung bean soup: 30 minutes for mung bean to bloom completely, clear soup with green water.
4. Cooking rice, steaming rice, stir-frying: There is no residual chlorine smell, and the rice is more fragrant.
5. Electric kettle to boil water: no scale and no cleaning.
6. Cleaning spectacle lenses: reduce scratches and make them cleaner.
7. Wash your face and take a bath: The skin is delicate and white, no longer greasy.
8. Laundry and towels: no longer yellowing or hardening;
10. Extend the service life of electrical appliances: water heaters, washing machines, etc.
Is the water purifier useful? The water purifier can intercept about 2600 mg of rust, about 9600 mg of organic matter (22 pesticides), and about 500 mg of sediment impurities in one year...
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